Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water (on an Empty Stomach Every Morning


1. Lemon Water Diet for Weight Loss

lemon water weight loss

The low-calorie content of lemon water makes it incredibly beneficial for the loss of excess body weight. This helps to feel full and suppresses appetite. The polyphenols contained in lemon water increases the expenditure of energy and enhances oxidation of fats which contributes to the shedding of excessive weight. It accelerates the body metabolic rate and its diuretic nature makes it greatly effective for the weight loss diet.

2. Benefits of Lemon Water in the Morning for the Cure of Diabetes

Lemon water is highly beneficial for decreasing the blood glucose level. It improves the fasting blood sugar level and works as an excellent detoxifier to cleanse the pancreas and enhance its functionality of insulin secretion.
It optimizes the secretion of insulin in the islets of Langerhans cells of the pancreas and controls the level of blood glucose quite effectively.

3. Health Benefits of Lemon Water for Blood Pressure

lemon water for high bp
Lemon water is highly beneficial for the control of high blood pressure. Regular consumption of lemon water ensures healthy blood circulation and aids in the control of blood pressure by preventing any sudden spike or drop in pressure and thereby protecting the cardiovascular system.
Its rich content of vitamins and minerals maintains the health of the cardiovascular system and aids in the elimination of high cholesterol.

4. Benefits of Warm Lemon Water for Respiratory Health

Warm lemon water is an excellent home remedy for any kind of respiratory troubles ranging from a sore throat and nasal congestion to asthma and bronchitis.
If you are suffering from a severe coughing fit or you are feeling quite feverish with a broken throat and sore, congested chest then nothing else will make you feel better than a cup of warm lemon water infusion sweetened with a dash of raw honey.
Lemon water is known for its antitussive property that helps in controlling the coughing fit and curing nasal congestion. The expectorant nature of warm

5. Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water for Digestion

lemon water for digestion

Lemon water enhances digestion and keeps digestive disorders at bay. It protects the inner lining of the intestines from the corrosive effects of chemical drugs and helps in curing indigestion. The essence of lemon water cures the feeling of nausea and vomiting.
Consumption of lemon water early in the morning on an empty stomach helps in the regulation of bowel movement, and aids in the cleaning of the intestines. The anti-inflammatory properties of the tea cure intestinal lesions and ulcers and eliminate stomach cramps, flatulence and bloating.

6. Lemon Water Benefits for Body Immunity

Being loaded with vitamins and essential nutrients, honey and lemon water is highly beneficial for the enhancement of the immune system. It is packed with antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative damage by fighting against free radicals.
Regular consumption of lemon water enhances the immune-responses to pathogens and ailments. It also helps to keep cold, flu, sinus and other such minor infections at bay.

7. Benefits of Lemon Water for a Healthy and Beautiful Skin


Lemon water is an excellent source of antioxidants which make it remarkably effectual for a healthy and glowing skin. It keeps dermatological disorders at bay and nourishes the deepest layers of skin. Some of the important skin benefits of lemon water are mentioned below:
  • Lemon water is a natural cleanser and its antioxidant content makes it all the more effectual.
  • Lemon water acts as a miraculous cure for wounds and cuts on the skin. It can be topically applied for a quick and efficient cure of cuts, bruises, and scrapes.
  • Lemon water can be used as an excellent natural bleaching agent for the skin. It removes oil and dirt from the face, unclogs the clogged pores and bleaches the skin to its glowing natural complexion. A bleach face pack prepared with lemon water can effectively do away with dark spots, blemishes, and scars.
  • Lemon water is a natural moisturizer for skin. It can be used to make homemade lotions to keep the skin naturally hydrated and supple. It is an effective home remedy for eczema, dry skin disease, and psoriasis.
  • Lemon water can be mixed with powdered turmeric to prepare a facial scrub for the removal of blackheads from the face and leave behind the soft and blemish-free skin.

8. Benefits of Lemon Water for Oral Health

Lemon water for oral health

Lemon water is antimicrobial in nature and is excellent in the natural cure of dental problems and infections. Consumption of lemon water on a daily basis helps to prevent the mouth from becoming a moist and warm incubator of bacteria.
It can be used as a mouthwash to fight against germs and preserve the health of enamel, roots, and gums and keep the breath fresh and cool.
You can also add a teaspoon of concentrated lemon water to your toothpaste and brush your teeth with it before retiring for the day. The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of lemon water alleviate the pain and inflammation of dental diseases.
It is highly effective in keeping dental disorders like pyorrhea, cavities, gum boils, gingivitis and plaque at bay.

9. Benefits of Warm Lemon Water for Headaches

A person suffers from headaches due to prolonged hours of work, long exposure to the television or computer, chaotic work schedule, lack of sleep, improper and irregular food habit and other such reasons.
They disrupt the body clock and trigger off painful headaches, dizziness, and nausea. Lemon water happens to be one of the best natural remedies for sinuses, headaches, migraines.
Another chief cause of a headache is persistent stress and worries. It puts pressure on the brain and the person ends up suffering from a throbbing headache.
It is the mild aroma and flavor of lemon that alleviates the pain of sinus and migraine and makes one breathe more peacefully. Lemon water works wonder with its anxiolytic and analgesic nature to cure a headache almost in an instant.

10. Lemon Water Detox Benefits for Blood Purification

Lemon water is known for its amazing properties of blood purification and detox. It helps in the filtering out of antigens, foreign bodies, and toxins from the blood.
The potent antioxidant properties of lemon water demolish the poisonous free radicals and convert them into harmless components that can be easily flushed out of the body through excretion. Lemon water creates a barrier against oxidative damage inflicted by free radicals and detoxifies the blood with utmost effectiveness.


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