5 Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat Quickly


  What are the best exercises to lose belly fat and get a flat tummy?
Not all abs exercises are created equal.
This is especially true when it comes to burning and losing belly fat.
Finding and doing the most effective exercises is the key to losing belly fat.
This is the only way to get rid of the fat that keeps your abs hidden.
Of course, your diet also needs to be on point to lose your stomach fat, but that's for another topic.
If you're looking for the best exercises to banish belly fat, you came to the right article.
The best way to lose belly fat is to add some exercises that will help you burn tummy fat like the following 5 on this list.
These belly fat exercises will not only burn your tummy fat fast, but they'll also shed fat from other areas.
These fat burning exercises target the abs from all angles.
They penetrate the muscles in the area and get your tummy fat burning.
Ready to burn and reduce belly fat?

1. Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch is one of the most effective exercises for strengthening and toning the abdominal muscles. As a bonus, it works your thighs and glutes too.
It's considered one of the top abdominal exercises for activating the rectus abdominis and the obliques.
The exercise is fairly simple and does not require any equipment to perform other than a yoga/exercise mat to lay down on.
To start, lay on your back flat and place your hands behind your head as you do for regular crunches.
Lift your both legs off the ground and bend them at the knees. Slowly bring your upper body off the ground and hold them there.
In one motion, twist your upper body to the right as you bring your right knee close to your right elbow.
Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. Keep rotating sides to mimic the motions of paddling a bicycle. Complete 12-15 reps per side.
End the exercise when you begin to lose your form from tiredness.

3. Reverse Crunch

Start by laying flat on your back faceup with your legs together and your knees bent. Keep your feet flat on the floor.
Place your palms face down on the floor next to your body for support. Tighten your abs to lift your hips and butt off the floor as you crunch your knees inward toward your chest.
Pause 1-2 seconds then return to the starting position. Repeat 15 times.

4. Plank Exercise

The plank is one of my favorite core exercises because it works just about every muscle in the body, including your abdominals. It does it without moving a muscle.
Plank exercise is done by holding your body in a straight position similar to a pushup for a duration of time. Typically, 30-45 seconds is the aim.
To start, get down on the ground into a pushup position. Your arms should form a straight line from your shoulders to the elbows.
Push your body up and support it on your palms and the balls of your feet.
Keep your back straight and your tush aligned with the entire body, all in a line. Do not strain your neck.
Keep the abs engaged by sucking the belly button in. Hold the plank for at least 30 seconds.

5. Russian Twist

Last but not least, the Russian twist is my ultimate favorite ab exercises because it engages just about every muscle in the abdomen.
Yes! the Russian twist incorporates the lower abs, upper abs, obliques and lower back. It's the perfect belly fat burning exercise that you need in your abs workout routine.
Start by sitting on the ground with your knees bent and your heels away from your butt.
Slowly lower torso backward until you feel your lower abs fully engaged. Try to keep your back straight.
Place your arms out in front of your chest and hands together.
Begin by slowly twist to the right. The movement is not large and comes from rotating your torso, not from your arms swinging. Inhale through center and rotate to the left.
This completes one rep. Continue alternating from side to side until you complete a total of 15 per side.

Take Home Message

Performing these exercises are key to burning belly fat and increasing muscle tone in the abdominal area.
With that said, ab exercises by themselves won't likely to banish belly fat and flatten your abs.
The key to getting a flat stomach is through following a clean diet and staying active.
Regularly getting workouts and eating a healthy diet with lean meats, healthy fats, and fresh produce help boost your metabolism and burn belly fat naturally.


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