
7 Wonderful Benefits Of Banana: How To Include The Fruit In Your Daily Diet

    An instant energy booster, banana is one fruit that is commonly available across the globe. In India, it is given much importance where various regional cuisines use it in making sinful desserts - kheer, malpua, halwa, payasam, sheera , and paniyaram , to name a few.7 Wonderful Benefits Of Banana: How To Include The Fruit In Your Daily Diet An instant energy booster, banana is one fruit that is commonly available across the globe. In India, it is given much importance where various regional cuisines use it in making sinful desserts - kheer, malpua, halwa, payasam, sheera , and paniyaram , to name a few. The raw fruit too is not left behind. Cut into smaller chunks or thinly sliced using a mandolin, it gets used up in making wafers, subzis, kebabs, pakoras , and the famous curries of Kerala such as Avial and Kalan. If you travel towards the East and the Northeast, you will come across it in the local breakfast cereal, known as jolpan in Assam, which usuall

5 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds

  Almonds are among the world’s most popular tree nuts. They are highly nutritious and rich in healthy fats, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Here are 9 health benefits of almonds. 1. Almonds Deliver a Massive Amount of Nutrients Almonds are the edible seeds of Prunus dulcis , more commonly called the almond tree. They are native to the Middle East, but the US is now the world's largest producer. The almonds you can buy in stores usually have the shell removed, revealing the edible nut inside. They are sold either raw or roasted. They are also used to produce almond milk, oil, butter, flour or paste — also known as marzipan. Almonds boast an impressive nutrient profile. A 1-ounce (28-gram) serving of almonds contains ( 1 ): Fiber: 3.5 grams Protein: 6 grams Fat: 14 grams (9 of which are monounsaturated) Vitamin E: 37% of the RDI Manganese: 32% of the RDI Magnesium: 20% of the RDI They also contain a decent amount of copper,

How To Get Rid Of Smelly Armpits With Natural RemedieS

  Everybody sweats, but when sweat comes along with a bad odor is extremely bothering for you and for those around you. Emotions, stress, physical effort, a few minutes in crowded traffic, are enough to be in a sweaty and smelly situation. Smelly sweat is a sign of plenty of bacteria on your skin. Here are a few natural remedies to get rid of smelly armpits Baking soda Wash your armpits very well then apply baking soda powder on your armpits. This ingredient will absorb the unpleasant smell of sweat. Apply powder on the dry skin but don’t sprinkle too much not to stain your clothes. White vinegar Soak a cotton pad in white vinegar and dab your armpits. The smell of vinegar will disappear in a few minutes, and you will be relieved of the unpleasant sweat odor. Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar removes the smell of sweat because it reduces the skin ph. As bacteria don’t survive in a low pH environment, even if you will sweat, the od

Top 10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water (on an Empty Stomach Every Morning

  1. Lemon Water Diet for Weight Loss The low-calorie content of lemon water makes it incredibly beneficial for the loss of excess body weight. This helps to feel full and suppresses appetite. The polyphenols contained in lemon water increases the expenditure of energy and enhances oxidation of fats which contributes to the shedding of excessive weight. It accelerates the body metabolic rate and its diuretic nature makes it greatly effective for the weight loss diet. 2. Benefits of Lemon Water in the Morning for the Cure of Diabetes Lemon water is highly beneficial for decreasing the blood glucose level. It improves the fasting blood sugar level and works as an excellent detoxifier to cleanse the pancreas and enhance its functionality of insulin secretion. It optimizes the secretion of insulin in the islets of Langerhans cells of the pancreas and controls the level of blood glucose quite effectively. 3. Health Benefits of Lemon Water fo

6 Symptoms Of A Heart Attack That Occurs Only In Women

  Women do not any time get the same classic heart attack symptoms as men do, as for example heavy chest pain that radiates down one arm, although these heart attack symptoms can actually happen to women, but many will experience some vague or even silent symptoms that they can very often be missed. Here follow the six signs every woman should know in order to keep the disease as far as possible. Pain in your arm(s), neck, back, or jaw These may be very confusing, due tot he fact that  a heart attack is primarily associated with pain in the chest or in the left arm, and almost never in the neck or jaw. Moreover, this may be progressive, nagging, acute or sudden and may also wake you up in the middle of the night and that is the reason why you’d better consult a doctor as soon as you notice any of these unusual symptoms. Sharp stomach pain, sickness A lot of the times we can mistake stomach pain that signals a heart attack with heartburn, the flu, or

7 Different Types Of Wrinkles And 4 Tips For Treating Them

  Nobody likes to have wrinkles on their face. But eventually, we’re all going to get a few lines because we are aging and nobody can stop time. Aging is a beautiful, natural phenomenon but that doesn’t mean that we can’t slow it down. Following a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your body and mind can have magical impacts on your overall health! This includes the signs of aging and their appearance on your skin. Not taking care of your wrinkles can make you look much older than your actual age. Also, wrinkles can ruin your makeup by creating an uneven surface beneath. What Are Wrinkles And What Causes Them? Wrinkles are lines and creases that appear on your skin as you age. They are more prominent in the areas that are exposed to the sun more often than the rest. For example, you’ll have more visible wrinkles on your face, neck, and hands in the beginning. As you age, the fat in the inner layers of your skin reduces and results in sagging. Als

15 Eye Exercises To Relax And Strengthen Your Eye Muscles

  1. The Eye Roll The eye roll exercise is very effective, and when done regularly, it can help strengthen the eye muscles and enhance the shape of your eyes. So, the next time you hear something and roll your eyes, feel good about it and roll your eyes in the other direction to complete one rep. But since it’s an exercise, you must know the correct way to do it. Here’s how. How To Do Eye Roll Exercise Sit or stand straight. Keep your shoulders relaxed, and neck straight, and look ahead. Look to your right and then slowly roll your eyes up towards the ceiling. Roll your eyes down to your left and from there, down towards the floor. Do this in the clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. 2. The Rub Down This is a personal favorite. You can do this exercise even while wearing contact lenses. This means that it can be done whenever you feel eye strain and need a quick, refreshing exercise. Here’s how to do it. How To Do Rub Down Eye Exercise Sit or stand